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Web Design Order

Note : You are now connected to the secure area of our web site. Any information you provide is encrypted, secure and confidential.

Please select a Design Package that closely matches your needs. You will have the opportunity to add other desired features you may need.

The prices for any Design Package you select includes:

  • One hour of telephone consultation
  • Submission of your site to the top 10 search engines;
  • Two months of FREE hosting (if you elect to host with us and commit to 1 year of hosting contract).

Please select a Design Package that closely matches your needs.

Package A - Ten pages maximum. Company logo, 10 graphic images; suitable for small informational web sites. Your Price: $249.00.
Package B - up to 20 pages maximum. Company logo, 20 graphic images, and up to 10 products total. Paypal payment gateway included! Your Price: $599.00.
Package C - up to 40 pages maximum. Company logo, plus up to 40 additional graphic images, and up to 20 products. Full-fledged shopping Cart. Your Price: $995.00. - includes 1 month of free update and maintenance (2 hrs maximum).
Package D - up to 60 pages maximum. Company logo, plus up to 40 additional graphic images, and up to 100 products. Your Price: $2495.00. - includes 2 months (3 hrs maximum) of updates and maintenance.
Package E - up to 100 pages maximum. Company logo, plus up to 100 graphic images,  and up to 200 products. Your Price: $4995.00. - includes 3 months (4 hrs maximum) of updates and maintenance.

Additional Options:

Select all options that apply. For example, if you need a domain name to be registered, check the box below. Then enter the domain name or names you would like registered in the box. - ($50 per domain for 2-year registration).

Would you like us to Register your Domain Name?

Domain Names to be registered
Do you need a Shopping Cart for your site?
Would you like to accept Credit Card Payments?
Host my site with IdeasNetwork

Billing, Contract and Payment Information

Required Fields are marked in the asterisks (*) symbol

First Name *:
Last Name *:
Street Address *:
City *:
State or Province *:
Postal Code/ Zip *:
Country *:
Phone *:
E-Mail Address *:

Enter any special instructions or comments below. For example, if the options above do not exactly match your needs, describe what is missing and we will provide a "custom quote" to you.

If you have seen a particular site whose features you like, enter the URL ( below.

Please ensure the information given above is accurate, then use the Submit button to proceed.

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